Trunk or Treat brings in the crowd

The line was long and the weather was cold, but about 1,100 kids still participated in this year's URA/Main Street Trunk or Treat.

On Saturday, the wind blew and the temperatures were brisk, but that didn't stop kids from coming to get treats from vehicles that lined Flaming Gorge Days.

"I think it was great considering the weather," URA/Main Street Jennie Melvin said. However, the weather did impact the games and the costume contest.

Melvin said the kids just went through the line, got their candy and left.

They didn't stick around for the events, which she understood considering how cold it was.

"It's a strong event and it's really grown," Melvin said.

She said 2010 was another cold year and it was a good turnout at about 400 to 500 kids.

"We've been pretty consistent in growth," she said. "I know it draws a lot of people from Rock Springs."

One thing Melvin is always asked is why the event is hosted so early in October.

"We're trying to capture it before the weather gets too bad," she said.

Usually this works, the majority of the time the weather is cooperative and over the years there were only three times when it rained, snowed or was just plain cold.

"That's why we do it when we do it; and I think our numbers show it's working," Melvin said.

Another reason the event is hosted early is it gives kids the opportunity to wear their costumes more than once.

Those who were unable to make it to this year's event, can already start planning for next years. Melvin said it's always going to take place on the second Saturday of October so residents can mark their calendars for next year.


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