GR pumpkin patch is now open

Those looking for the perfect pumpkin to carve, bake or use as a Halloween decoration are sure to find one right in Green River.

Once again, the Union Congregational United Church of Christ, located at 350 Mansface, has pumpkins for sale.

These pumpkins come in all shapes, sizes and colors, including green, orange and white and regular colored pumpkins. Unfortunately, there will be no white pumpkins this year as they were not placed on the truck and no swan or elf house gourds because they froze.

Church member and clerk Pam Kerr said will do have plenty of mini and baking pumpkins and winged gourds.

Unlike other places that sell pumpkins, the church charges by size not weight. Kerr said she and the other volunteers use a tape measure to measure the pumpkin. This tape measure has dollar amounts on them and that’s how the price of the pumpkins are determined. One can buy just about any kind of pumpkin they want. The small ones start at 50 cents and the largest of the patch are at $45.

“We don’t weigh them all” Kerr said. “Some of them I can barely lift.”

Even though the pumpkins came about four days later than expected, Kerr said the sales have been good so far.

The truck arrived late Friday night and so right away at 8 a.m Saturday a group of volunteers unloaded all of the pumpkins. They were able to open the patch at 10:30 a.m. Saturday. Surprisingly, the patch had quite a few customers that day, Kerr said.

“It was cold on Saturday and we had a lot of folks that braved it and came out,” she said.

The pumpkin patch is open Mondays-Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and from 1-6 p.m. on Sundays.

“We just hope lots of people come out and see what we’ve got,” Kerr said.

Church Bazaar and sale

This Saturday, the church is also hosting a bazaar, bake sale and chili and chicken soup luncheon from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Kerr said it’s the bazaar is a great way for residents to get a jump on their Christmas shopping. Kerr said a crafting group at the church meets every week to make crafts for all seasons. This is a way for them to sell some of those crafts. All of the money raised from the bazaar and pumpkin sales will go toward mission projects.


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