Letter: Disagreeing with opening Boy Scouts to girls

Dear Editor,

Now, more than ever, it is imperative for us to be the champion of girls. In today’s world, girls need girl-only spaces where girls are the first thought not an afterthought.

Girls need to feel safe and encouraged by positive female role models to be a G.I.R.L. – where they are Go Getters, Innovators, Risk-Takers, and Leaders. Girl Scouts provides the necessary space for girls to learn and thrive.

Girl Scouts works!

We stand firm in our belief that Girl Scouts is the best leadership experience for girls in the world. While we support girls and their families having a variety of options and activities, we disagree with Boy Scouts of America’s (BSA) recent decision to open its program to girls. Research has proven that girls learn best without the distraction of a coed environment.

For those who say Boy Scouts offers options and adventure that Girl Scouts doesn’t, I invite you to take a closer look.

Girl Scouts offers just as many options and adventures including STEM activities, outdoor survival, and a highest awards program that culminates with the Girl Scout Gold Award – an elite accomplishment earned by just 6 percent of Girl Scouts.

We remain committed to an organization that is For Girls. By Girls. All Girls.

Sally J. Leep

CEO of Girl Scouts of Montana and Wyoming


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