GR church donates to police, fire departments

A new police K-9 and some upgraded extraction equipment were possible through $5,000 donations from the Green River Assembly of God Church.

Pastor Nathan Bloomfield said the church’s board of directors wanted improve the community in some way. He said the church already had the funds available and sought places to make donations. The day he walked into the Green River Police Department was considered divine intervention by Chief Chris Steffen.

Steffen said Bloomfield approached the department shortly after their drug K-9, Melody, had died. Budget cuts within the department meant obtaining another K-9 would be difficult, if not impossible. After the pastor and chief spoke about the church wanting to give a donation, Steffen said he passed the news along to Officer Brad Halter, Melody’s partner.

“He was in the healing process, but he kind of lit up when I told him we might be back in the drug K-9 business,” Steffen said.

The church’s $5,000 donation helped the department bring 2-year-old Dutch Shepherd Ridex to the department. Steffen said Ridex has proven himself to be a hard worker, also saying Halter and Ridex have already become a great team.

The Green River Fire Department also received $5,000 from the church, which went to purchase new extraction equipment. According to Green River Fire Chief Mike Nomis, the department’s previous extraction device was about 20 years old and needed replaced. Bloomfield, a former member of the volunteer fire department who continues to serve as the department’s pastor, spoke with Nomis in late July about donating to the department. By Aug. 1, the church had presented the department with a check.

Nomis described the donation as “something real impressive” that speaks to the generous nature of both the church and residents in Green River.


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