Angel statue dedication set Oct. 3

Soon, residents grieving the loss of a child will have a place to go.

On Oct. 3 at 6 p.m., the Angel of Hope Statue will be dedicated in the Riverview Cemetery.

Cristy Price, mother of Maicy Braden, 17, who died Oct. 3, 2016, when her vehicle was struck by a semi truck in town said that’s why this date was chosen.

The angel statue concept was based off of a book called “The Christmas Box” by Richard Paul Evans.

According to the website, in the book, a mother grieves for her child at the base of an angel statue. After the book was published, people contacted Evans and asked him where they could find one of these statues. Although the story was mostly fiction, an angel monument had existed at one time, but was destroyed.

In response to the parents seeking out an angel, a monument was dedicated on Dec. 6, 1994, which was date of the child’s death in the book. At the request of Sexton Paul Byron and Salt Lake City Mayor Deedee Corradini, Salt Lake City donated the land on which the monument stands and it’s located in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Now, there are more than 120 angel statues throughout the country.

Price took it upon herself to start raising money for the angel statue. Soon more mother’s got on board and over the past two months, they raised more than $18,000, which was enough for the statue and the foundation to put it on.

Fundraisers included Norwex parties, a luau at the Fishbowl, Scentsy Party, Yoga in the Park by Soul Studio, dinner night at Pizza Hut, poker run at Harley Davidson with gun raffles, gun raffle with Andy’s Long Range Shooters, a day at Taco Time, a Pampered Chef Party, Chalk Couture, Agnes and Dora Party, canvases and cocktails for the angels, pie sales, Green River High School cheerleaders camping raffle and many individuals whojust donated money to the cause.  

“This community is amazing, I’m proud to be from Green River and am humbled by the generosity of everyone,” Price said. “The angel was presented to the city of Green River as a gift at the Sept. 5 City Council meeting. The council graciously accepted the gift and commented on how wonderful the project is.” 

Although the angel is being dedicated on the anniversary of Braden’s death, it’s not just for her.

“The Angel of Hope is a way to remember all of our children; something needed for every grieving parent,” Price said. “A way to keep their memory alive. The dedication will be for all of our children who have passed.”

The statue will have engravings of the word “hope” on three different places, while on the front of it will say “Angel of Hope.”

During the dedication ceremony, a white flower will be placed on the angel in memory of our children. Price said the flowers will be provided for this.

Each year, Price hopes to host an annual candlelight vigil. This vigil will take place every Dec. 6 at 7 p.m., which is the day the child in the book died.

Price wanted to thank everyone who donated to make this statue a reality, especially the employees at the cemetery.

“A heartfelt thank you to every individual that has played a part in this project. It could not have been done with you,” Price said.

“A very special thank you to Yager Construction, Arrowhead Concrete, and Sweetwater Trophy for their donation and time to this project to make it beautiful.”


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