Salary publication questioned

Contact language request denied

Castle Rock Hospital District will have to publish its positions and salaries in the county’s designated paper.

In a heated discussion at the Sweetwater County Commissioners meeting Tuesday, Castle Rock Hospital District board members approached the Commissioners asking for a wording change in their contract. The request was denied when no commissioner would make a motion on it.

Prior to the that non action, CRHD chairman Bob Gordon said this year is the first year the commissioners put the ambulance service into the contract.

“I believe in an open, transparent government,” Commission Chairman Reid West said.

West said the Wyoming Legislature wants the names, positions and salaries of government employees to be published.

According to Dale Davis, County Clerk, when his employee called CRHD to obtain the salary information to be published they were told they didn’t need to provide that information because the county doesn’t pay them 20 percent, which was what the law stated at the time. He said about five years ago that changed and the Legislature passed a bill stating government employees’ positions and salaries should be published. When CRHD denied the Davis’ request, that’s when Davis felt it was necessary to include wording in the contract to address it.

Gordon said if they publish the positions and salaries, it makes them a recruiting target for other agencies.

“We understand you want to make sure the money is being spent appropriately,” Gordon said.

However, Gordon said Sweetwater Medics doesn’t have to publish their positions and salaries, which leaves Castle Rock Hospital District at a disadvantage.

Gordon said they have a Freedom of Information form people can fill out to request that information.

“We want to control how that information’s passed along,” Gordon said.

“I think it’s public information,” West said. “Why should you not be at the same disadvantage? I imagine if you privatize your ambulance service, we wouldn’t be discussing this.”

Gordon said Sweetwater Medics is a privately-owned company that receives some government subsidies, where Castle Rock is paid through 3 mills. He thinks they should have to publish their salaries too.

“If you want to go there. Why do you need the 3 mills?,” West said.

“We’re losing $35,000 a month. I guess we should close,” Gordon said.

West said Sweetwater Medics isn’t getting two sources of the tax funding, but Castle Rock is.

Sandee Gunter, CRHD board member said they know the records are public information and they don’t have a problem publishing that information, but what they didn’t like was how the commissioners wanted it part of their contract. After more issues were brought up, West said he was to the point where the conversation was just for the sake of grumbling.

“Your salaries and positions should be published every year,” West said.

Gordon asked how the county knows if Sweetwater Medics spends all of their money for bigger salaries.

“You can argue that, but they’re not a governmental agency,” West said.

Sweetwater Medics is accountable to the board that oversees them, he said. The discussion ended and no motion was made.


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