Letter: Respecting the Founding Fathers' wishes

Dear Editor,

The Founders promised that ours would be government by, of and for the people. It appears that the governed are being ruled by the governing. The servants are running the estate. Instead of us telling them what to do in Washington, they are telling us what they will and will not do. No! Enough!

Now is an extremely critical time for us to claim our government and assert control. We presume an inalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How can anyone conclude that these do not include health? It’s our government. We can guarantee whatever we deem necessary for the common good.

We all either have or love someone with pressing medical issues. A single payer plan appears to be the only option that would cover everybody any time. Millions of lives literally hang in the balance. Demand universal health care as a right as necessary as clean air and safe water!

Last month, global nonprofit Remote Area Medical held its annual three-day free clinic in Wise, a small town in western Virginia.

“Volunteer dentists extracted more than 3,000 teeth, and 706 people were fitted for glasses.” It also provided crucial cancer screenings as well as orthopedic surgeries. In that region, “health providers are often few and far between.”

Well, the Wyoming Tribune Eagle just announced on its Aug. 4 front page that Wyoming’s only ACA provider is set to raise rates by as much as 50 percent.

Wake up, people. Wise, Va., is fitfully headed to rural Wyoming. Forget Obamacare. We are grappling with a Congress bent on barring affordable care for our nation. 45 percent of the 76 million beneficiaries of ACA are children. 36 percent are the adults upon whom they depend. What, for Christ’s sake, will happen to our young?

Seriously, America, we simply cannot afford to be penny wise and pound foolish. Health care is an investment that, without an ounce of doubt, will pay off handsomely in the future, far more substantially than Wyoming’s Rainy Day Fund!

Truly, it’s a sacred endowment that will significantly benefit many generations to come. We must choose wisely today.

Geri Maria Johnson



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