Notes from Town Square: Concussions in youth sports

In response to mounting evidence that concussions have the potential to cause long-term damage and have a devastating effect on young brains, a major focus has been given to concussions in youth sports.

Specifically, causes of concussions, how to prevent them, and what should be done when a child is suspected of suffering a concussion.

A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head or body that jars or shakes the brain inside the skull.

It is important to note that an athlete does not have to lose consciousness to have suffered a concussion. An individual that has a possible concussion my appear dazed or stunned, confused, forgets instruction, moves clumsily, answers questions slowly, shows mood and behavior changes, may lose consciousness (even briefly), and can’t recall events prior to the hit or fall.

The individual may complain of a headache, have nausea or vomiting, balance problems or dizziness, double or blurry vision, sensitivity to light, feeling sluggish or groggy, concentration or memory problems, confusion, and express they are just not feeling right.

The Green River Parks and Recreation Department has implemented rules to reduce the chances of a participant getting a concussion and a policy to reduce the potentially serious health risks associated with sports related concussions and head injuries. For our soccer program, participants are not allowed to head the soccer ball nor do slide tackles.

It is the policy of the Green River Parks and Recreation Department to educate coaches and parents on the signs, symptoms, and behaviors consistent with sports induced concussions through the “Heads Up: Concussion in Youth Sports Program”. This program is provided by the Center for Disease Control at and can be found on the city of Green River website, under Parks and Recreation Youth Sports.

A participant in any of the Green River Parks and Recreation Youth Sports programs that is exhibiting the signs, symptoms, or behaviors associated with a concussion or head injury:

1) must be immediately removed from the activity and

2) may not again participate in any activity until cleared by an appropriate health care professional.

The injured participant may not be cleared for practice or competition the same day that the sign, symptom, or behavior associated with a concussion or head injury was observed.

The Green River Parks and Recreation Department Concussion Education Program and Policy is part of our commitment to ensure that participants in our youth sports programs are as safe as possible and have a good experience with the sport they are participating in.


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