Green River Farmer's Market to start next Wednesday

Starting next week, Green River residents will have the chance to pick up fresh produce and local baked goods at the Farmer’s Market.

Jennie Melvin, Urban Renewal Agency/Main Street director, said the Farmer’s Market will officially kick off Wednesday, July 5, and run every Wednesday until Sept. 13. Each week, the market will take place on Roosevelt Street, which is off of Uinta Drive, from 4-7 p.m.

Melvin said market attendees can expect some of the same vendors from last year to return and some new ones to come too. Baked goods, fresh produce, salsa and coffee venders are all scheduled to attend. It’s also a place where residents can try goat cheese or milk.

“The majority of our vendors are from Green River and Rock Springs,” Melvin said. “It’s definitely a way to support local business.”

She said it’s also a great way for someone who’s thinking about opening a business to get their name out. Melvin said Daily Kneed is a perfect example of that. She said they always attended the Green River Farmer’s Market for years and then they decided to open up a business downtown. They’ve been at the downtown location for at least five years, she said. Another well-known group, the Golden Hour Senior Center, is also going to have a booth at the market. Melvin said they always sell baked goods as a fundraiser for the center and due to recent budget cuts they are going to need to raise all the funds they can. Not only is it a great place to pick up fresh produce, it’s a great place to get a snack. Melvin said there are a couple of vendors who will be selling things like shaved ice or pop, which is always a hit on hot, summer days.

“It’s a nice environment to hang around and talk to friends,” she said.

Main Street/URA will also have a booth and residents are more than welcome to stop by and chat with them.

“We hope to see everyone there,” Melvin said.


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