Rudy Dolence

Rudy Dolence, 93, of Rock Springs, died May 8, 2017, at his home.

Rudy, a life-long resident of Rock Springs, was born Nov.12, 1923, the son of Rudolph and Antonia Dolence. Rudy's parents were immigrants from Europe in the early 1900s.  The entire family were fluent in English and Slovenian and ran the Lincoln Motel on Dewar Drive for many years. 

Graduating in 1943 from Rock Springs High School, Rudy immediately was drafted into the U.S. Army, in which he served from June 1943 to Feb. 1946. He attended advanced training in small arms repair and motor pool at the Mississippi Ordinance Plant.  Thereafter, he was sent to the Philippines.

Returning to Rock Springs after World War II ended, Rudy became gainfully employed as a carpenter spending 17 years at Superior Lumber Company and 20 years with Cilensek Construction Company. Rudy retired in 1988. 

In October of 1948, Rudy married Ann Krpan. After Ann's death in 1975, Rudy never remarried.

Rudy was preceded in death by his wife, his parents, two brothers Stanley Dolence and John Dolence, and one sister Toni Bolton. 

Survivors include one brother, Joe Dolence of Mountain View; sisters-in-law Elsie Dolence and Patricia Dolence; numerous nieces and nephews as well as the Charlie Walker family.  

Interests included hunting, fishing, and rock hunting.

Rudy will be greatly missed. Following cremation, memorial services will be held at a later date.  


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