Students tasked with thinking like computer scientists

Local teachers aim to inspire their students to think about careers in the computer science field worked with students at Monroe Intermediate School during a special Tuesday night program.

Tracy Clement, a teacher at MIS, said the program shows students what they can do in different computer science fields and gives students instruction in basic computer programing and engineering through different stations spread throughout MIS. One station allowed students to build a basic video game while others featured basic engineering through building slingshots, binary coding and work in virtual reality.

One station, using a product called Makey Makey, introduced students to building circuits and using a circuit board to play a piano. Students connected their circuit board to a computer and placed Play-Doh on portions of the boards.

The Play-Doh functioned as buttons on the board, allowing kids to play a piano on the computer.

Clement said the program originated with Western Wyoming Community College instructor Carla Hester-Croff, who hosted the program in Rock Springs previously. Clement said the Tuesday-night program was the first time it was hosted in Green River. Clement, who hosts the MIS after school technology club, said a lot of her club students are interested in computer science, but left the program available to anyone interested in technology to make it open to the community.

"They really seem to have fun with it," she said. "I think it's cool to get the community out here for some hands-on technology and engineering."

Along with WWCC, Google also helped sponsor the event, providing Google Cardboard virtual reality devices to the school. Clement said students attending the program were entered into a raffle to win the cardboard-based Virtual Reality units at the end of the night.


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