Notes from Town Square: Trees will be replaced

You may be aware that the trees near the Depot are being removed. Here is some information on how and why this decision was made.

In late 2013, the city of Rock Springs approached the city of Green River about the alignment of one of their proposed sixth-penny projects, a second water main from the Joint Powers Water Board plant in Green River to Rock Springs. Both cities buy water from the same treatment plant, located in Green River, but Rock Springs has to pump their water a lot further. Because the water treatment plant is physically located in Green River, any water main to Rock Springs has to pass through and will have an impact on Green River’s infrastructure.

The Rock Springs offered several potential alignments for the new water main, but each of them had varying levels of impacts on Green River streets and other infrastructure. The shortest and cleanest alignment had the new water main running primarily on Union Pacific property, parallel to Railroad Avenue. This alignment represented the lowest impacts to Green River streets, but did pass through the park area next to the Green River Depot.

The loss of the mature trees located in the park was a major concern to the Green River City Council. In order to mitigate the loss of these trees, Rock Springs agreed to replace the number of trees lost at a 2:1 ratio. A total of 14 trees will be planted to replace the trees impacted by the Rock Springs water main project.

The new trees will include 10 flowering trees behind the sidewalk and four additional trees located along the fence closer to the railroad.

While the loss of the mature trees is regrettable, the new trees will provide a new feel for the park area, which will continue to provide downtown green space for visitors and residents.


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