Troops attend Girl Scouts tea

The paper trails led the way for Girl Scouts and their mothers.

Paper of various colors was spaced throughout the Golden Hour Senior Center Saturday afternoon and girls and their mothers were encouraged to follow the paper paths to get from activity to activity.

All of this was for the Mom and Me Girl Scouts Tea, which was themed around the game Candy Land.

With this theme in mind, the girls and their mothers, grandmothers or aunts were asked to decorate a hat to reflect the theme. Rita and Jaiden Lucero, a grandmother and granddaughter duo, had their hats decorated with numerous kinds of candy, including gum drops, bubble gum and lemon heads.

Kris Sherwin, Service Unit Manager for Green River, said all eight troops, 1082, 1659, 1322, 1256, 1626, 1041, 1671 and 1932 were invited to the tea. Prior to having tea, playing games or taking a photo in the photo booth, the Girl Scouts recited the Pledge of Allegiance, the Girl Scout pledge and the Girl Scout law.

"One of our goals here today is for you to meet new people," Sherwin told the scouts.

They then presented the GHSC with a vacuum cleaner all eight troops pitched in to help purchase.

Sherwin said the troops donated some of the money they raised through cookie sales to purchase the vacuum for the center, which really needed a new one.

After the presentation, the girls were encouraged to have tea and eat.

"We have been doing a mom and me tea for about 5 years," Sherwin said. "One of the goals with Girl Scouts is to bring our families and Girl Scouts together."

This event meets that criteria.

"In our busy lives sometimes we don't just take a moment to have a cup of tea and a snack," Sherwin said.

This event is planned to happen after the cookie-selling season is about over with. This way the Girl Scouts can take time to have fun with their friends and mom's, who have all been working hard to make sure a lot of cookies were sold.


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