Queens take home titles

The Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Queen pageant took place April 9, in Rock Springs. It is sanctioned and sponsored by the Red Desert Roundup Rodeo, which will take place July 27-29 in Rock Springs.

The royalty have several appearances scheduled this summer including the Overland Stage Stampede Rodeo and Flaming Gorge Days.

Crowned as the 2017 Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Queen was Shelby Martin of Rock Springs. She is the daughter of Steve and Alerica Martin. She has an Associate of Science degree with emphasis in accounting and an Associate of Arts degree from Western Wyoming Community College. She is currently working towards her Bachelor of Science with emphasis in accounting from Western Governors University. Martin is a member of Phi Theta Kappa, Bowhunters of Wyoming, and Firehole Archers. She has showed horses and enjoys riding her horse, hunting, spending time with family, and volunteering.

The Princess title was won by Shaylyn Dick of Rock Springs. Dick is the daughter of Laura Brittain and Tyler Dick. She is a sophomore at Rock Springs High School and partakes in Health Academy. She is a member of 4-H, band and Renaissance. Her interests include local gymkhanas, rodeos and horse shows. She enjoys riding her horse, camping, and fishing.

Princess First Attendant and the award of Miss Congeniality went to Graci Troester. Troester is the daughter of Rachel and Frank Troester of Rock Springs. She is a sophomore at Rock Springs High School, an honor student, and a member of the Health Academy. Troester enjoys showing horses and is a member of the Freedom Reins 4-H Club and Rock Springs Gymkhana. She also enjoys horses, hunting and camping.

Princess Second Attendant and is Kayla Flor. Flor is the daughter of Dan Flor of Rock Springs and Kimberly. She is a sophomore at Rock Springs High School and is a member of Health Academy. She is a member Baconators 4-H Swine Club. Flor enjoys riding her horse and hanging out with friends.

Princess Third Attendant is Sierra Christie. Christie is the daughter of Autumn Christie and Travis Fletcher of Rock Springs. She is an honor student and is in the eighth grade at Rock Springs Junior High. Christie is involved in Freedom Reins 4-H Horse Club, Wild West Outlaws Gymkhana and Mustang Heritage as a youth competitor. She enjoys riding horses, hiking, camping and playing basketball.

The contestants were judged in two age divisions in the categories of horsemanship, personality, and appearance by a panel of three judges including Miss Rodeo Wyoming 2017, Abby Hayduk, Kristine Hayduk, and Sallie Waters all of Evanston. Events that took place were the horsemanship competition at the Sweetwater Events Complex arena where each contestant was required to do a reining pattern on their horse alone, rail work, carry a flag and other maneuvers.

Private timed interviews with the judges were conducted at the White Mountain Library in Rock Springs. Knowledge was tested in the areas of horsemanship, rodeo, current events and personal goals. Following the interviews the contestants were required to give a 2 minute speech, model a western outfit, and answer an impromptu question. The afternoon culminated with the crowning of the 2017 Red Desert Roundup Rodeo royalty.

Each contestant received flowers donated by a Touch of Class Floral, a banner, and a jacket. The queen and princess were awarded with a tiara and Monsoon Silver buckle. On hand to present awards were the 2016 Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Queen, Catherine Hamilton, and Princess, Brenlee Logan. Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Committee members present were president Kim Little, vice president Travis Garrison, secretary Peggy Little, programs Jami Kennah, sponsorship Kerry Wilkinson and pageant director Laurie Thoman. A special memorial presentation was made to Anita Todd and the family of J.T. for all of his years of dedicated service and support of rodeo and the queen program.

On behalf of the pageant, the pageant coordinator, Laurie Thoman, would like to thank everyone who helped support the program. It wouldn’t be possible without the generous support of the rodeo committee, volunteers, and especially the sponsors.

The pageant provides an excellent opportunity for young women to expand their life skills in interviewing, public relations, and public speaking while gaining self-confidence.

For more information on the pageant and photos go to Red Desert Roundup Rodeo Queen Royalty on Facebook.


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