Building vacation discussed

Many commissioners are still convinced the county building at 731 C Street in Rock Springs can be converted to a hospice facility.

The building, which houses the circuit court in Rock Springs, was the subject of discussion Tuesday afternoon during the Sweetwater County Commissioners’ meeting. The county is building a justice center near the Sweetwater County Detention Center, which will combine the circuit courts in both cities. As such, the space occupied by the court in Rock Springs would be vacated once the new facility is open.

However, the question remains as to what should be done with the building.

Commissioner Wally Johnson said he would be in favor of the building being used as a hospice center, an idea that has existed since the justice center project was first discussed. The building, originally the county’s hospital, was the subject of a study to investigate the feasibility of converting it as a hospice center. That study resulted in the building being found not to be architecturally sound for hospice as it would be susceptible to seismic activity, something some commissioners don’t think is a problem.

“I was born in that facility and I wouldn’t mind dying in that facility,” Johnson said. “And an earthquake wouldn’t bother me one bit.”

One option available to the county, should the commissioners decide to pursue the hospice idea, is to lobby the Wyoming Legislature to change the laws regarding the use of county hospital buildings. Another option is to mothball the building, though the county’s facilities manager, Chuck Radosevich, said that could lead to damage on seals used throughout the building, including its hydraulic elevator. The building is also a hub for internet connectivity utilized by the Sweetwater County Combined Communications Joint Powers Board and the county fire department, which could be moved if the commissioners decide to close the building completely.


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