Residents have fun at dance

About 100 residents recently attended a dinner and dance event at the senior center.

Friday night the Golden Hour Senior Center's dining room was packed with residents ready to eat a delicious meal, which was then followed by dancing.

"I thought the dance went really well," marketing and activities coordinator Barbara Bates said.

This time the event did have one minor glitch. Bates said the vocalist they had scheduled to perform couldn't make it because she was sick. However, one of the members from the vocalist's band brought music and played the event DJ style.

People still hit the dance floor and had a great time. In fact, the GHSC line dancers accompanied by a couple of their Rock Springs line-dancing friends, danced together for a lot of songs. The GHSC group event wore the same outfits.

"They love to dance," she said.

The reason the dances are hosted in the evening is it gives people who work during the day the chance to come to one of the center's events, she said.

Not only can people have a great dinner and dance, but it is a way for seniors to socialize with each other.

"It's a great opportunity to bring someone new," Bate said. "A chance to come to the center and check it out."

Although the price of the ticket for these events vary, this time it cost participants $10.

"This is one of our fundraising events that we hold throughout the year," Bates said. "Typically we try to hold three or four a year to try to do some fundraising."

Bates is always happy to see familiar faces, but she likes seeing new ones at these kinds of events too.

"We encourage the public to come," Bates said. "It's a great meal and a great night."


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