GR students attend Earth Day event

Bus load after bus load of kids were dropped off at Expedition Island for the city's Earth Day celebration.

Students from kindergarten through sixth grade hurried into the pavilion for a chance to complete numerous Earth-Day related projects.

The pavilion was packed to capacity with children going from booth to booth completing projects.

One booth encouraged children to bring an old T-shirt, which was used to make a T-shirt bag or converted into a tank top. The students learned where to cut the T-shirts and how to tie them to create a fringe on the bottom or sides.

At another booth, students took a piece of newspaper slathered a sticky, flour mixture on it and then sprinkled flower seeds on it. The students were told to take the seed stick home and place it in a pot or garden and water it. Eventually, plants will sprout from the seeds and then make flowers.

Children were also excited to used pinecones, string, peanut butter and seeds to make a homemade bird feeder, while at another booth they learned how to make their own clay blocks, which they could then use to build a fort.

At one booth children learned how to be thrifty. They used donated items to make bead necklaces and they were showed to how make artwork out of items someone else decided they didn't want anymore.

Before students exited the pavilion, they could look at a tin monster, which was made completely out of Monster Energy cans. Some children were really inspecting the monster to see how it was created.

Once the students visited all of the booths, they made their way out of the pavilion to play on some recycled games, including recyclable bottle ring toss and throw the football through a tire. They also played traditional games, including hula hoop and frisbee. A new item children were trying out was the seesaw made out of an old tire, one of the seesaws was painted to look like a lady bug and was pretty popular.

Children also had the chance to climb into a Green River Fire Department fire truck or one of the city's garbage trucks. With all of the activities, the students were sure to use something they learned while at the event.


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