Letter: Trump was a good choice for President

Dear Editor,

I was going to laugh at Tom Gagnon’s op-ed piece bashing Trump and Wyoming for voting for him, but then I realized it wasn’t satire. It was apparently an article written in all seriousness. It was interesting that he glossed over The Clinton imperfections as allegations with no specifics. He then went on to detail many of the supposed imperfections and wrong-doings of President Trump as if they were all fact. Some may be. But, even if they are they pale in comparison to Bill Clinton’s extra-curricular activities inside the White House and Hillary’s incompetence.

In Trump we had a candidate that has actually accomplished something in his life, as opposed to Mrs. Clinton, whose only real accomplishment has been to lay sideways in the public trough most of her adult life. She failed miserably in her first attempt as First Lady at instituting a budget-busting national healthcare system. Thankfully. I’ll admit she inherited a less than desirable situation in the Middle East as Secretary of State. But then she and the president she worked for managed to make a bad situation even worse. Benghazi was the catastrophic culminating event in an otherwise lackluster career as Secretary of State. That was her two o’clock am call she made such a big deal about in her previous campaign. She totally blew it and cost four Americans their lives. And then blatantly lied about it. Her lack of good judgement in handling sensitive American intelligence most likely cost other lives we will never know about in our intelligence community. And then, she lied about it. She will probably be remembered mostly for inability to tell the truth. She lied and lied and then, like most prevaricators, lied about the lies. There doesn’t seem to be much integrity in the Clinton camp.

During her campaign she promised to continue in the same vein as President Obama. You want to talk about a failed presidency!! The amount of oppressive regulation that came out of that administration is mind-boggling. He made it a regular practice to issue job-killing regulations either through agencies like the EPA or through executive orders. We all remember the blatant federal over reach in the attempt to take over all water in the United States and some of the ruinous results in our state, even here in our own valley. He created more debt during his administration than all other presidents combined. Obamacare only promised to escalate that irresponsible spending. His foreign policy made us a joke throughout the rest of the world.

You want to talk about scandals? It was one of the few constants of that administration. Where was the outrage when it became apparent that the heavy hand of the federal government (the IRS) was being used to repress his political opposition? Why wasn’t Lois Lerner fired when it became obvious she had perjured herself before Congress? This is just scratching the surface.

The point is, this was the choice Wyoming had to make. We could either continue with the incompetence and corruption of Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration as she promised she would do (unless she was lying). Or go for a change that would most likely free us up from some of the oppressive regulation coming out of Washington that was having such a deleterious effect on the Wyoming economy.

The idea that any presidency can be called a failure after only two-and-a-half months is laughable. It’s typical of the insanity of the anti-Trump camp. Actually, two-and-a-half months into the Trump presidency improvements are being made in Washington. Probably none of us agree with everything that’s happening, but it is a breath of fresh air. In reference to the Gagnon article the cows are calving out as they should and will fatten on good grass this summer. The crops are going to be OK, it looks like a good water year ahead of us. The schoolhouse that was running short on money because of the Obama policies that Hillary promised to continue will be fine as some of those destructive regulations are repealed and Wyoming’s economy gets back on track.

Wyoming didn’t make a deal with the devil. We wisely avoided another four years of “the devil.’

It seems to validate my theory of common sense. The good Lord put common sense on the earth by the acre. That’s why people from Wyoming seem to have a little more than most in today’s world.

Well-done, Wyoming. Things are looking up.

Jim Eyre



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