Letter: Energy assistance program on the chopping block

Dear Editor,

Are you aware that the proposed federal budget calls for the elimination of the Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP)?  This is the program that keeps many Wyoming residents warm in the winter. 

Earlier this year, the State of Wyoming legislature eliminated its usual additional funding for this program.  Between the federal and state budget cuts, this translates to zero help for people in need of winter home heating assistance. 

I recently spoke with Brenda Ilg about this issue. Ms. Ilg is the LIEAP program manager for the State of Wyoming. 

She said she has no authority over budget decisions, but the media and legislators often contact her for information about the influence government programs have in the lives of Wyoming residents. 

She added that it makes a bigger impact when budget numbers are supported with declarations from recipients about how specific programs make their lives better.    

I encourage all who are concerned about these budget cuts to reach out as I did and offer their personal stories about the role LIEAP plays in their lives.  We matter; and, our stories can be emailed to DFSLieap@wyo.gov; or mailed to LIEAP, PO Box 827, Cheyenne, WY 82003.

Also, it is up to us to let our elected officials know how our lives or the lives of people we know have been helped by the LIEAP program and what the elimination of it would do. 

I urge concerned Wyoming residents to contact each member of our state’s delegation in Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senator John Barrasso, U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, and U.S. Representative Liz Cheney – plus the Wyoming State Senator and State Representative from your district. 

Contact information is available on the Internet, from your local newspaper, or a public library.

Standing together amplifies our voices.

Additional information about the proposed cuts to LIEAP can be found at neuac.org/advocacy/save-liheap.


Irene L. Hause



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