OUr View: Delegation should host town halls

We appreciate members of Wyoming’s delegation to Washington D.C., coming to Sweetwater County during the congressional break, but we think more could have been done to give residents a chance to voice their thoughts about what should be done in Congress.

We realize Sen. Mike Enzi, Sen. John Barrasso and Rep. Liz Cheney have very strict schedules and do appreciate the time they do spend in Southwest Wyoming, but a hospital visit and lunch with the Sweetwater County Commissioners isn’t the best way to get a feeling for what their constituents want done in Washington, D.C. We believe the delegation should have hosted town hall meetings across the state to get opinions from the people who voted for them.

With control of the White House and both chambers of Congress, Republicans are in a unique position to push forward bills that can help states like Wyoming. While issues like public lands, regulations on energy industries and the continued battle for the future of healthcare, why not talk to the people who will be most impacted by issued being debated on Capitol Hill?

It’s great Sen. Enzi is looking through a new, private hospital and speaking with the owners regarding healthcare, but why not speak to people who would be impacted by changes to or the abolishment of the Affordable Care Act?

Talking to county commissioners does give one a sense of what a county is facing, but talking to someone who was laid off from a job in the oil field or someone who would be impacted through a possible transfer of federal lands to the states.

Rep. Cheney believes the issue became distorted amongst the issue’s opponents, but wouldn’t telling the very people whom she thinks are misinformed about the issue be better than simply sharing an opinion with a county commissioner.

It’s great Wyoming’s Washington delegation has taken the time to visit Sweetwater County. We can only hope they take what they’ve learned from their visits across the state back to Washington, D.C., and give important debates a Wyoming perspective.

Traveling across the state is a daunting task for anyone and we’re certain its a large task for any politician to travel and meet with so many residents and talk about their concerns.

However, the people who placed Enzi, Barrasso and Cheney in office should be the first people they reach out to when they’re visiting their home state.


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