Five benefits of Summer day camp

Have you considered what your children will be doing this summer?

Are they involved in sports camps, BOCES programs, maybe 4-H or staying home with parents or caregivers? There are many great options for children in our community, but have you considered the benefits to a summer day camp program? Below are just a few benefits to highlight with the city of Green River’s summer camp.

Children are unplugged at Summer Day Camp

Children are plugged in more than ever in today’s society. Whether it be in school, at home or with their friends, many children have several hours of screen time every day, but during their time at a summer day camp they are most definitely unplugged. They are actively engaged in projects and socializing with friends.

Children are introduced to new experiences

Most summer programs incorporate all kinds of activities to keep children interested and moving throughout their day. We incorporate community days (where we take children to different businesses or organizations in the community) to introduce them to different professions and familiarize them with what is around them. In the city of Green River’s program we have set weekly activities and then we also add something new each week.

A couple of our weekly activities that may be new to your child are gymnastics and archery. They are both fun and challenging.

Camp can help children gain independence.

When children are involved in camp, they have the chance to meet new children not from their school or neighborhood. They can make new friends, and in the camp atmosphere they can gain independence by being self-sufficient. They don’t always have a group or teacher to go to. They gain independence by learning how to approach camp counselors for things they need and want. Children are asked to be responsible for their water, backpacks, sunscreen and snacks at camp which can help them feel more independent.

Children have a day filled with physical activity

We love to get where we are going by walking, but walking is not the only way we get exercise. We have mornings filled with mini sports camps as well as tons of free play on playgrounds all around Green River and Sweetwater County! This not only allows for exercise but also expands their creativity through pretending and imaginative play. Plus children are involved in weekly swimming and gymnastics activities, which provide a great energy release!

Children are surrounded by positive adult role models

During summer day camp children are surrounded by a variety of adult role models. They meet people from local businesses, take classes from teachers, and have some amazing young high school and college students as their camp leaders along with older adult leaders who have years of experience working with youth. Every child has a chance to make a meaningful connection with a positive role model during camp.

These are just five of the many benefits your child could have at summer day camp.

We hope you will consider sending your child to something this summer that will expand their horizons.


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