Transfer station moves ahead

The long-discussed transfer station project was approved by the Green River City Council Tuesday night.

The project, which was awarded to L.M. Olson, Inc., for $1.97 million, will replace the city’s landfill, which is scheduled to close by the end of June.

Councilman Gary Killpack, while stating he’s in favor of the transfer station, asked why the city doesn’t plan to privatize the city’s trash collection. Public Works Director Mark Westenskow said the issue comes down to the level of service the city can offer residents versus what a private company can offer. The city offers a number of services a private company doesn’t. He said the main difference between what Green River and Rock Springs residents pay is Green River residents pay for both trash collection and disposal in the same bill, while Rock Springs residents pay for private trash collection and taxes to Solid Waste District No. 1 separately. While Rock Springs residents pay less for collection on a monthly basis, they also pay taxes Green River residents do not and Green River’s all-inclusive fee pays for more services than typically offered by a private contractor.

Councilman Robert Berg said he noticed people on social media were under the assumption the landfill had already closed.

Westenskow responded by saying while the landfill is under a load size restriction to pickup truck-sized loads or less, the landfill will remain open to municipal waste until June. Afterwards, contractor demolition waste will still be accepted for a short period before it is completely closed.

While some may blame the landfill’s impending closure on increased dumping outside city limits, Councilman Ted Barney disagrees with that assessment, saying no Council decision can “prevent lazy.”

“They’ve done it all my life because they’re too lazy to take and properly dispose of it,” he said.


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