Speech brings home state title

The Green River High School Speech and Debate Team took first at State this weekend.

In the 4A Division, Green River took first place with 62 points, Cheyenne East came in second and Rock Springs grabbed third place. For the eighth time in 10 years, Green River has taken the state title.

"The young men and women on our team worked so hard and winning was the culmination of that effort, it was a fantastic finish to a great season and the title is back where it belongs at Green River High School," head coach Carina White said.

As the state results were being read, White was keeping track of the points and how her team was stacking up against its toughest competitors. He team was watching her tally up the results.

"They were watching me at awards as I added points on my clipboard as they announced it. When they had announced duet, I knew we had won and put my clipboard down. They all looked at me and said they knew when I did that, it was decided," White said. "When they actually announced it there were cheers and celebration as well as some tears."

White was so proud of the GRHS team members who took first-place at state including Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson in duet, Gregory Marchal in extemporaneous and Gregory Marchal and Patrick Marchal in cross examination debate.

"I truly believe this team is the strongest and most talented group we have ever had and they showed that this weekend," White said. "We have developed a reputation both across the state and nationally at GRHS. This team succeeds."

Not only did the team do well at state, but it was nice to experience it in their own town.

"It was awesome to show off our school and our hospitality and to win at home in front of our entire team, family and our community," White said.

As the season draws near to and end, White knows the team will have 12 less competitors than this year since Colt Parson, Reina Kropf, Leslie Patterson, Shelbi Jenkins, Katelyn Gambles, Phaedon Jones, Michael Montoya, Allison Kloepper, Emily Thomas, Amy Grass, Savrina Karimi and Spencer Kurth are graduating.

The team won't have long to savor the championship title because they will need to compete at the Wind River District Tournament, which will take place this weekend in Laramie.

GRHS will have 46 students entering the tournament for the opportunity to qualify for nationals. White said there should be 18 schools with about 260 students competing at districts.

Green River's goal is to win the district championship again and to qualify as many students to nationals as possible.

"State gave them momentum, they are nervous of course, but prepared," White said.

State Results

Wyoming High School Forensics Association Ambassador Award

Colt Parson

Humorous Interpretation (39 participants)

Third place: Colt Parson

Fourth place: Reina Kropf

Extemporaneous Speaking (48 participants)

First place: Gregory Marchal

Fourth place: Michael Montoya

Duet Interpretation (43 participants)

First place: Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson

Second place: Colt Parson and Sarah Kropf

Congressional Debate (78 participants)

Fourth place: Atlin Johnson

Cross-Examination (13 entries)

First place: Gregory Marchal and Patrick Marchal

Quarterfinalists: Victoria Allen and Atlin Johnson

Lincoln-Douglas Debate (49 entries)

Semifinalists: Dallin Hoyt

Quarterfinalists: Abigaile Grubb

Public Forum Debate (34 entries)

Semifinalists: Michael Montoya and Leonna Grimes


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