Teams ends regular season on strong note

The Green River High School Speech and Debate Team wrapped up its regular-season with another first-place finish.

This past weekend the team traveled to Worland and came out on top. Green River took first place with 141 points, Rock Springs claimed second and Kelly Walsh grabbed third. Head coach Carina White said Riverton, which is now a 3A Division team had more points than Rock Springs or Kelly Walsh, but were moved out of the 4A Division this year.

With more than 300 competitors from about 20 schools, this was a good tournament to compete in. Especially with state taking place this week.

“We knew we were probably going to win this tournament as our biggest competitors weren’t in attendance, but every event holds it’s own unique challenges and we encouraged our team to use this as practice for state and districts,” White said.

White’s team didn’t let her down.

“We won by more than double the points of the next closest team; and our cross examination debaters closed out the semifinal round which was a first this season,” she said.

One student really stood out for White this week. Lynzi Johnson took first place in program oral interpretation; which is a combined interpretation of poetry and drama. Her piece is about childhood deafness and awareness. She earned a first-place ranking in every, single round, including all the judges in semifinals and finals, which are paneled with three judges each. 

“This team competes with heart and determination and it impresses me week after week. I am floored by the level of talent and commitment,” White said.

White is hoping the first-place finishes will give the team the momentum it needs to bring home another state championship.

“Being able to compete the weekend before state gets the kids in competition mode” White said. “They are energized and excited for the week ahead and prepared to work their hardest to bring home a state championship.”

Worland Results

Congress: Atlin Johnson, first place, Jesse Lauze, third place, Patrick Marchal, fourth place, Rachel Heisinger, seventh place, Matthew Pickering, Savrina Karimi, finalists

Duet: Colt Parson and Sarah Kropf, second place, Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson, third place

Drama: Karlee Cutler, fifth place

Cross Examination Debate: The team closed out the round and took first, second and both third places. Those closing out the round were Atlin Johnson and Victoria Allen, Patrick Marchal and Gregory Marchal, Rebecca Shamer and Jesse Lauze, Sam Bayles and Rylan Bailey

Lincoln Douglas debate: Abbie Grubb, third place, Dallin Hoyt, third place

Chase Kontz, quarter finalist 

Public forum: Mike Montoya and Leona Grimes, second place, Allison Kloepper and Emily Thomas, third place

Humor: Dallin Hoyt, fourth place, Reina Kropf and Phaedon Jones, semifinalists

Oratory: Victoria Allen, third place, Sarah Kropf, semifinalist

Poetry: Leslie Patterson, second place, Cassie Newcomb, sixth place

Extemporaneous: Mike Montoya, third place, Hannah Thomas, fifth place, Gregory Marchal and Chase Kontz semifinalists

Impromptu: Rebecca Shamer, semifinalist

Informative: Abigaile Grubb, first place, Dallin Hoyt, Katelyn Gambles and Mikki Scott semifinalists

Program oral interpretation: Lynzi Johnson, first place, Reina Kropf, second place, Leslie Patterson, third place, Phaedon Jones, fifth place


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