State speech, debate squad picked

Fifteen Green River High School Speech and Debate team members were selected by the coaches to represent the team at state this week.

The Wolves will have home-turf advantage since the tournament is scheduled to take place in Green River this Thursday through Saturday.

“The coaches made the best state squad we were able to; its strength lies in the diverse talent of this group of students,” head coach Carina White said. “Each one of them has made it to final rounds in their event, and if they have a showing at state as they have had all year we have a real shot at a state title. This is a big tournament though, with over 400 students competing, so to get to a final round in an event is difficult.”

Each year, the coaches are challenged with the difficult task of picking the state team. 

At the state competition each team only gets 18 entries. Even though the team can have 18 entries, that doesn’t mean 18 students will go. Some students selected will compete in more than one category.

“To make a comparison: we had more than 60 entries this past weekend in Worland. It is very difficult to pare a team as successful and as large as ours down to our top 18,” White said.

This year’s state competition will be different than those the team has competed in because Green River is hosting it.

“I think it motivates our kids to bring home the title of state champion while competing at their own high school,” she said. “We are also able to have our entire team there watching them, helping them and cheering them on. We are excited to host.”

White said having the tournament in Green River is nice because they don’t have to travel and they will have a lot of family and friend support.

White believes the most competition for the state title will come from Cheyenne Central, Cheyenne East, and of course Rock Springs.

“Every team in the state has strength and with only 18 entries it is the best of the best competing,” she said.

Even though the competition is in Green River, that doesn’t give Green River an edge with the judging. White said each school participating in state is required to provide so many judges. This way the judging pool is made up of people from all over the state. Regardless of who the judges are, the team is already getting anxious for the tournament.

“They are nervous in that they want to bring the title back to our school, but they also are confident and they know exactly what to do,” White said.

White wanted to make sure her assistant coaches know how much she appreciates them.

“My assistant coaches have worked tirelessly alongside the kids this season and to help plan the state tournament as we host,” White said. “I would like to thank Dan Parson, RaNae Johnson, Jason Grubb and our college volunteer coach Sarah Sullivan for all their hard work this season. I would also like to thank the endless support we receive from our district in everything we do including taking on the hosting of this tournament.”

When the team asked if it could host state, activities director, Tony Beardsley and GRHS principal Darren Howard got behind them and helped them make it a reality.

“We are so proud to be a GRHS Wolf,” White said.

State Squad 

Cross Examination:

Victoria Allen and Atlin Johnson 

Rebecca Shamer and Jesse Lauze 

Patrick Marchal and Gregory Marchal 

Lincoln Douglas:

Abigaile Grubb 

Dallin Hoyt 

Public Forum:

Leona Grimes

Mike Montoya 


Atlin Johnson

Jesse Lauze

Patrick Marchal

Rachel Heisinger 


Colt Parson and Sarah Kropf 

Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson 


Mike Montoya 

Gregory Marchal 


Victoria Allen 


Colt Parson

Reina Kropf

Dallin Hoyt


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