Bowls of Caring painted at center

At first, the large bowls didn't look like much, but after the residents at Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center got their hands on them, they became beautiful works of art.

The residents at CRRC painted bowls for the annual Bowls of Caring fundraiser hosted by the Sweetwater County YWCA. Prior to the fundraising dinner, residents throughout Sweetwater County are encouraged to host painting parties where basic bowls are purchased and painted.

The bowls are then glazed and fired, and are considered admission to the fundraiser, which takes place March 23 from 4:30-7 p.m. at the Sweetwater County Events Complex.

The event supports the Family Justice Center and Safe House, as well as finance and childcare programs offered by the YWCA.

According to Kayla Kendrich, development director for the YWCA, the event raised approximately $20,000 last year.

Kendrich said they aim to sell 1,000 bowls, though not everyone who paints a bowl comes to the event. 

"I'm glad we did this event," Heidi Schuh, activities coordinator for the CRRC said. "It's so much fun."

Sitting at tables throughout the CRRC's multipurpose room, residents busily made their personal touches to the bowls.

Some made a simple approach and used a single color to paint the bowls while other painted designs and patterns onto the bowls. Regardless of the approach, the bowls were eye-catching.

"Everything in here is beautiful," CRRC resident Phyllis Blackburn said.

"All the different colors are beautiful."

Schuh said some of the residents will attend the dinner March 23, all of whom are excited for the opportunity.

"They're very much looking forward to it," Schuh said. "It's for a good cause."

This is the third year the YWCA has hosted its Bowls of Caring fundraiser. Originally, the fundraiser was known as "Bowls of Sharing" and was conducted through the Loaves and Fishes Soup Kitchen in Rock Springs.


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