GR raises about $31,000 for wishes

More than $60,000 was raised in Sweetwater County for the Make-A-Wish foundation.

During the past two weeks, both the Green River and Rock Springs communities were busy raising as much money as it could for the cause.

Amanda Santhuff, Green River High School Student Council sponsor and language arts teacher, said the totals announced Thursday night were off slightly. The actual totals are $31,314 for Green River and $29,229.51 for Rock Springs, for a grand total of $63,256.11.

Santhuff said it's hard to compare yearly totals because the economy of the communities fluctuates so much from year to year. However, she did know how this year's total compared to last year's.

"This total is higher than both communities have raised the last few years," Santhuff said.

She said the students raise most of the monies that come from the schools all by themselves. The school also hosts numerous community fundraising events that they think will raise money.

"Our community is the best, we are so lucky to have the support that we do," she said. "Both communities are so giving. We are aware that the economy is struggling, but it is so amazing that the community still gives everything they can to make wishes come true."

With this total, the communities will be able to grant four wishes. In Wyoming alone, there are currently 32 kids in line for wishes, Santhuff said.

When the GRHS students found out they donated more than Rock Springs, the students reacted with screams of joy as tears ran down their faces. There was also a lot of jumping up and down.

"Tears of excitement, lots of tears," Santhuff said. "GRHS council has worked so hard. They have worked so hard for the last few years, they earned it."

None of this would be possible without the employees, businesses and community's support.

"Our staff is so supportive, they are so happy to see that our school won, they see the hours and dedication these kids have out into making this happen," she said. "We are so lucky to have the support."

This is just one of the many friendly competitions the cities host.

"The competition is an incentive for the students, however, our support system in Green River and the district encourages the kids to participate," she said. "GRHS student council has always focused on community service, but this allows for us to teach the importance of community service to all ages. Our schools raise a large amount money."

Santhuff said.

A few schools Santhuff wanted to mention were Monroe Intermediate School with a total of $2,800, Truman Elementary School with a total of $1,610 and Jackson Elementary School with a total of $1,603.

"That is incredible," she said.

Santhuff wanted to thank all of those who helped out be either donating baskets, counting money or encouraging the students. Without all of the support, the community wouldn't be successful in its fundraising efforts.


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