Two more added to hospital board

Two more community members were appointed to serve on the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s Board.

During the Sweetwater County Commissioners Tuesday morning meeting, the board appointed Robert H. Scott to fill the five-month term. This seat was left open by Artis Kalivas, who was removed from his position on the board by the commissioners two weeks ago.

The county commissioners also appointed Edward F. Tardoni to the MHSC board to fill a 16-month term, which was left open when Joe Manatos resigned.

These appointments were not made without discussion.

According to chairman Reid West, two additional names were to be considered before making a nomination or motion.

Commissioner Wally Johnson nominated Robert Scott to fill the shorter term, which was supported by the rest of the commission.

“I certainly support Rob Scott for the position,” Randy Wendling said.

John Kolb said Scott has a strong history with the hospital and believes he could help address some of the issues the hospital is currently facing. Kolb encouraged Scott to think about serving on the hospital board for a longer period of time.

“I would hope Mr. Scott would agree to serve longer,” Kolb said.

However, Scott will only serve five months, unless he asks to remain on the board after his term is up. The motion to appoint Scott was unanimous.

On the 16-month term, the board wasn’t unanimous in its decision. Commissioners Johnson and Don Van Matre wanted Marty Kelsey to be appointed to the board, while Kolb, Wendling and West preferred Tardoni.

Johnson said when he looked at Kelsey’s application he has just done so much. He said he also did some research and no one had anything negative to say about Kelsey.

“Both are excellent applicants. I will support either one,” Wendling said.

However, he quickly changed his mind and said he would prefer Tardoni. The motion to appoint Tardoni to the board passed 3-2, with commissioners Johnson and Don Van Matre voting against the motion.

West said as many already know the hospital board was reduced from a seven-member board to a five-member board to make it easier for the board to have quorums.

However, if the work load becomes too much for the five board members, the commission can always change it back to a seven-member board.


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