Team has another 1st-place finish

The Green River High School Speech and Debate team continues to show its strength across the state.

This weekend, the team traveled to Cheyenne to compete in the Cheyenne South Tournament. Green River took first place with 143 points, while Cheyenne East nabbed second place with 84 points and Kelly Walsh grabbed third with 33 points.

“East was our biggest competition this weekend; they have a very talented team and always present competition,” head coach Carina White said. “They are just excited about the way the season is going and this was a big win for us; the point spread was significant and we had a lot of kids take first place.”

White said the team continues to work together and always strives to improve. Currently, the team’s attitudes are great and with the back-to-back-to-back first-place finishes, she feels the team is starting to build momentum.

This week White was proud of how a lot of her students performed. She said they had so many cross examination debate students make it to the final round of policy debate. They were able to close out the final round for the fourth week in a row. Abbie Grubb won Lincoln Douglas debate, Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson won duet, Jesse Lauze won Congress, Victoria Allen won oratory, Reina Kropf won humor, and Gregory Marchal won extemporaneous. 

The team will have a well-deserved week off before resuming competition. They will then travel to Rawlins.

“We have a had a lot of flu spreading through our team; we have a break from travel this week so that will be a chance for us to get healthy before we head towards the end of our season,” white said. “We have three tournaments left before state.”

Even though the team has a week off from competition, that doesn’t mean they won’t be perfecting their pieces. White said they have two new debate resolutions in public forum and Lincoln Douglas debate so they will need to work on those topics over the next two weeks. These same topics will be the topics for state and districts so it’s important the team get them perfected.


Cheyenne South Tournament

Drama: Amy grass, third place, Karlee Cutler, Leonna Grimes, Paula Luttermann, semifinalists

Duet: Reina Kropf and Leslie Patterson, first place, Colt Parson and Reina Kropf, fourth place

Program oral interpretation: Leslie Patterson, third place, Kassi Jo Rasmussen fourth place, Phaedon Jones, fifth place, Lynzi Johnson, seventh place

Lincoln Douglas: Abbie Grubb, first place, Savrina Karimi, third place

Cross examination: Jesse Lauze and Rebecca Shamer  and Gregory Marchal and Patrick Marchal tie for 1st place close out of finals, Atlin Johnson and Victoria Allen, third place 

Poetry: Elaine Comer, fourth place, Kassi Ko Rasmussen, Cassie Newcombe, Leona Grimes, Karlee Cutler, semifinalists 

Informative: Abbie Grubb second place, Dallin Hoyt, third place, Mikki Scott, sixth place, Katelyn Gambles, seventh place

Oratory: Victoria Allen, first place, Robyn Jauregui, second place, Shelbee McFadden, sixth place, Kassi Jo Rasmussen, Sarah Kropf, semifinalists

Humor: Reina Kropf, first place, Colt Parson, second place, Dallin Hoyt, third place, Phaedon Jones, Raymond Garcia, Will Allen, Shelbi Jenkins, semifinalists

Extemporaneous: Gregory Marchal, first place, Spencer Travis, Kassie Bohlmann semifinalists 

Congress: Jesse Lauze, first place, Atlin Johnson, third place, Patrick Marchal, fourth place, Matthew Pickering, sixth place


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