Seniors enjoy Super Bowl party at center

From trash talk to sheer talent, the senior center was full of frenzied football fans.

Friday morning the Golden Hour Senior Center hosted a Super Bowl party to get residents into the spirit. For most of them, their favorite NFL football was out of the game, but that didn't mean they weren't going to watch the big game and plan for it.

At the beginning of the party, seniors were asked to try and throw a football through a hula hoop. Several got into the spirit of the game, while others cheered them on. Some of the contestants were able to complete the task effortlessly, while others struggled.

For senior, George Chacon, his effortless throws earned him a gift basket filled with goodies, including football shaped cookies, popcorn and chocolatey treats, for the big game. 

Those who didn't win the basket still had a good time as they made their way to the football-themed photo booth. A couple of seniors, Phillip and Stan Bode were busy acting silly by putting cheerleading pompoms on their heads and giggling.

After they were done taking the photo, Stan and Phillip made their way back to their table.  Phillip started talking about how he was going to try a new recipe for Super Bowl Sunday. He said he saw the recipe on a television show, which showed him how to make cauliflower wings instead of chicken wings.

"It won't be raw because it's going to be battered and baked," he said.

He said it's definitely going to be good and he was looking forward to it.

After discussing the recipes, the group moved on to the teams playing in the Super Bowl, the New England Patriots and Atlanta Falcons. Most were going to cheer for the Falcons, but their were a couple who were going to cheer for the Patriots. This got the trash talk started, and of course Tom Brady and the deflated footballs came up. Then they agreed to disagree since none of them particularly cared for either team.


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