Our View: It might be time to refocus

If you’ve been having trouble talking freely with friends and neighbors since the last election, you’re not alone.

And the media wouldn’t have it any other way.

Whether we’re sounding the drums of the Left or the Right, there’s nothing that sells quite as well as conflict.

Even your hometown newspaper is guilty of leading with the bleeding.

That’s because conflict is what makes a story interesting.

You’re a reader - think about the last book you read.

Now take all of the conflict out of it.

Reading can be a pretty boring exercise without the conflict.

But why do we have to carry that kind of baggage with us after we’ve put the newspaper down, or turned off the television set, the radio or our social media?

If you’re having difficulty keeping calm about the state of our national affairs, perhaps you’re spending an inordinate amount of your time focusing your attention on such things.

If you are ready to exercise your First Amendment rights of assembly we don’t wish to deter you, only to ask that you do so peaceably and with malice toward no one.

It’s easier to attract flies with honey than it is with vinegar.

That is to say that people are more likely to come around to your way of thinking when there’s something appealing about your way of thinking.

So take the time to exercise a little persuasive argumentation.

And keep in mind that we’re all a little tired of being harangued about our political beliefs.

Most of America was blest on Sunday with a great National distraction: the Superbowl.

Whether you were rooting for the Patriots, the Falcons or licking your wounds over the Seahawks, Americans came together to enjoy the game, the commercials and yes, Lady Gaga.

So if you’re having indigestion or trouble sleeping at night, maybe the medicine you need is a respite from all the bad news.

Go to a high school debate or a middle school wrestling tournament if you want to see your community getting behind something. Or go to the library and crack open a good book.

Maybe the events that play out in Sweetwater County don’t carry much weight on the world stage, but they are every bit as important in our day-to-day lives.

Such events provide common ground for our community and a starting place for civil discourse.

And don’t surround yourself with like-minded thinkers because they will ease you into the shallow notion that your ways are the right ways.

Challenge yourself by calmly discussing your opinions with those whose beliefs differ from your own.

The best place to start changing the world is right at home.

Just remember: when you give someone a piece of your mind, save a piece for yourself.


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