Letter: An open letter to John Barrasso

Dear Sen. Barrasso,

I am disappointed that you did not include Teton County in your scheduled constituent visits this February. Many people whom you represent are quite concerned about your recent voting record on cabinet positions, executive orders, and rule changes. A less charitable person than myself might think you are trying to avoid constituents who don’t agree with you. I will simply say the optics look bad. You know as well as I that a “town hall” conference call is not the same thing as face-to-face interaction.

I have many things I’d like to discuss with you, and I’m having a hard time getting beyond your “thank you for offering your opinion and I’ll think about it” form letters. So, I’ll be sending an email to you that is cc’ed to state newspapers every Tuesday, in hope for better communication on a specific matter. I’m betting others are frustrated, too, in getting clear answers.

Today I’ve been thinking about the GOP wanting to rollback a rule that would keep firearms out of the hands of people with mental impairment so severe they cannot manage their own finances. To refresh your memory, please see your interview with CNN.

You never answered the query if you think guns should be kept out of the hands of people with mental disabilities. You deflected, numerous times, by saying it was a “midnight rule” by President Obama, and if he wanted gun control he had eight years to do it. Really, Sen. Barrasso? First, presidents get to be president their entire term. That’s the way it works. Second, you know as well as I that gun control measures, including background checks and limits on semi-automatic weapons, are supported by the majority of Americans. The GOP has shot down every attempt at controls in the last eight years. (It is disturbing that Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the National Rifle Association, sat next to the president when he announced his supreme court nominee. His “pay to play” donation of $30 million to the GOP was on full display.)

So, back to the question. Do you support people with mental disabilities being able to purchase firearms? Yes or no. If no, are you going to introduce legislation that will stop these sales? Clear questions. Clear answers are requested.

I look forward to your response. We all do.

Rebecca Woods Bloom



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