GRHS students bleed green for good cause

Last Thursday, many Green River High School students were waiting to donate blood.

The friendly competition between Green River and Rock Springs high schools is a way for students and adults to get out and support their communities.

It's all for the High School Blood Drive Challenge, which encourages students to donate blood.

Student Council member Emma Marsing was busy helping people fill out paper work and to get their place in line.

"It's good. We've had a lot of people," Marsing said. "It's been a good year."

Marsing not only helps direct people, but she donates blood. She said this year was her third time to donate.

"It's just normal now," she said.

The main reason she and other students were in line to donate blood is because they know their blood could save someone else's life.

"There's so many people out there who need blood," Marsing said.

Another student, William Harvey said he was just on his way to class and when he past the registration table he was asked if he was going to donate blood. Harvey said he didn't even know they were having a blood drive, but figured he could help people out. So he filled out the proper paperwork and was donating blood about an hour later.

Senior Takota McMichael isn't new to the donating process.

"I donate all the time," she said. "I don't care about the competition."

McMichael said some people donate just to beat Rock Springs and bring home the trophy again, but for her that's not important at all. She just wants to do her part to save lives.

On Thursday morning, a United Blood Services employee was having a problem getting the needle in her vein in one arm, so he switched to the other. McMichael took it in stride.

"I'm going to have a bruise," McMichael said. "A little battle scar."

McMichael was proud to say she has a donation card and everything. She said one year she even won a free movie and box of caramel popcorn.

McMichael said she didn't even know the school was giving out prizes that year. It was just a nice surprise, she said.

This year, GRHS didn't bring home the trophy, but those who participated know it's about much more than that -- it's about saving lives.


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