Feeding deer can result in fines

During the past week, the Green River Police Department has dealt with a few calls regarding residents feeding deer, an activity against city ordnance.

Feeding deer was a controversial topic in the past. The city council banned the feeding of deer in 2011 due to increased conflicts between residents and wildlife living in the city, with some residents reporting deer charging them as they walked outside their homes. Others believed it wasn’t an issue as the deer already live in the city and enjoyed looking at the wildlife walking through their properties. The act can result in a misdemeanor citation. According to the ordinance, feeding deer can be punishable by a fine of up to $750.

The Wyoming Game and Fish Department also warn residents about increased wildlife moving into the city due to the harsh winter conditions. According to a WGFD press release, dog owners are encouraged not to let their pets run unsupervised, with laws in place to protect game animals. A person whose dog attacks or threatens a big game animal can be fined up to $1,000 and have a jail sentence of up to six months, unless their dog is protecting property or livestock.


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