City releases rate projections

Residents will receive a yellow paper with their water bill detailing projected rates over a five-year period the city may charge for utilities.

The estimates stem from a utility rate review commissioned by the city. Contracting NewGen Strategies and Solutions, the city council sought to create a long-term rate strategy and estimate if current rates matched expenses within different utility services offered by the city.

The estimates cover rates charged for water, sewer, solid waste and storm water rates for groups described as low, moderate and high-end users of the services. Of the rates projected, trash rates are projected to climb the most. According to the rate projections, the monthly solid waste rate, currently listed at $25.50 per month, could grow to $47.50 per month by 2021. That increase remains constant across the three user groups.

With storm water, the city doesn’t charge residents for maintenance of its storm water drainage system.

Starting in 2018, the proposal would add a $3 charge for maintaining the system, which is projected to increase to $3.75 per month in 2022. This also is a flat rate increase regardless of household.

One area projected to increase depending on household use is wastewater disposal. While a flat $18.80 is listed regardless of household, for low-end users the increase is projected to jump to $27.80 by 2022 while moderate users would see an increase to $39.05 in the same period.

Heavy wastewater users would see an increase to $48.80 a month. The increases would not be sudden, with gradual rate increases occurring during the five-year period.

Projected water rates would increase for some users, while decreasing for others during the period.

Low and moderate users would see a slight decrease over five years, with low-end users paying an average of $23.51 currently and that amount dropping to $22.22 by 2020 and maintaining for the rest of the period. Moderate users would see similar decreases, with a cost of $$32.53 listed currently, which is projected to drop to $31.32 in 2020 before increasing to $32.65 in 2022.

Heavy water users would see a slight increase, starting at $40.05 currently to $41.26 in 2022.

The notice concentrates on residential needs as they make up 90 percent of the city’s utility customers.


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