What's in your hair?

It was a typical work-day morning. I had just made my children breakfast and was busy getting ready for work, when my oldest son, Matthew, came into my room.

I had called him into the room to make sure he had put his boots, coat and hat on before I sent him down to the bus.

I noticed he didn’t have any of them on yet; and before I could even tell him to put them on he said “John sprayed my hair with hairspray.”

I looked at his head, which was shining in the light and said “That’s not hairspray. “What did he spray you with.”

He said it was hairspray from a hairspray can. I knew it might have looked like a can of hairspray, but I knew it wasn’t. We have one can of hairspray in the house and it was on the bathroom counter top where I was getting ready for work.

I smelled his hair. The smell was familiar, but I couldn’t place it. I then touched his hair, it was very oily. Then I realized what my youngest son had sprayed Matthew with -- PAM cooking spray.

I looked at the clock and knew I didn’t have time to wash his hair so I took some actual hairspray and sprayed it on his hair. I then took a hairdryer and tried to dry it as best I could. I spiked my son’s hair and put on his stocking hat. He then put his coat, boots and backpack on and I sent him to the bus stop. I felt bad because I knew he was going to look like one of the greasers from the 1940s or 1950s, but there was nothing else I could do.

I then went to the kitchen, where I found John, 4, spraying his head with PAM. It was so saturated that it looked like he had just stepped out of the shower.

Oh no!

I took the can from him and told him it wasn’t hairspray. I then noticed PAM was all over the kitchen tables, counters and floor. I didn’t have time to wash everything down, so I prioritized.

I took John to my bathroom and washed his hair in the sink three times. Then I towel dried it, combed it and dried it with a hairdryer. The PAM had come out, but man his hair was sure shiny.

I didn’t have time to mop the floors or wipe the kitchen counters and tables off. I had to get my son to daycare and myself to work.

Later that same day, when I returned home from work I started wiping down the tables and counter tops. They cleaned up pretty easily.

The floor was another story. I mopped it at least five times and it was still slick. I couldn’t use any strong cleaners on it because it was hardwood and had a special coating on it. I quickly discovered PAM repels water.

I gave the worst area another quick pass with the mop and decided to call it good. For about a week, one spot was pretty slick, but then it returned to normal.

As for Matthew’s hair, I washed it a couple of times when he got home from school and it too returned to normal. Hopefully, my boys have learned their lesson. If not, I might have some more greasers running around my house.


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