Teddy bears brings joy

Sometimes all it takes to bring a smile to someone's face is a stuffed toy.

Last Friday, Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center residents received stuffed teddy bears, penguins and kangaroos.

Heidi Schuh, CRRC activities director and volunteer coordinator, said Infinity Power and Controls have been giving out stuffed-bear donations to residents at the center for the past few years.

"It's one of those small, simple pleasures they just love," Schuh said.

For the less cognitive residents, the teddy bears become more like a friend.

They will carry them around with them everywhere they go, she said.

"We did have one resident that became so attached to hers that she took it everywhere," Schuh said.

This resident named her bear Snowball and the employees bought her clothes to put on the bear.

"She loved that bear," Schuh said. "She didn't go anywhere without it."

Those who already received teddy bears and kangaroos for the their gifts the last couple of years, were given penguins.

"We just made sure they got one they hadn't gotten before," she said.

This is the type of gift that lasts all year long.

"These guys are so humble that they don't ask for much," she said.

When something is given to them, even if it is just a bear, it is a big deal, Schuh said.

Most of the bears, kangaroos and penguins were passed out in the multipurpose room, but others were passed out by going door to door throughout the center.

She said the Infinity Power employees enjoyed playing Santa just as much as the residents enjoyed receiving the stuffed animals.

"It was awesome," she said.

Schuh wanted to thank the company and its employees for not only donating all of the stuffed animals to the residents, but for giving employees one as well.


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