VFW to prepare packages

The VFW is asking community members for help in putting care packages together for soldiers serving overseas.

On Saturday, members of the VFW Post 2321, along with local Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops, will put together care packages at the Sweetwater No. 2350 Fraternal Order of the Eagles building on Flaming Gorge Way.

Those who want to help out will need to meet them at the Eagles building at noon.

“The more help, the merrier,” Jim Shoemaker, Senior Vice Commander of the VFW Post 2321 and District Junior Vice, said.

Shoemaker said they do not have a firm number on how many soldiers they are going to send care packages to, but he knows it will be at least 100, which is about what they have had in the past.

Shoemaker wanted to let residents know it is not too late for them to have a care package sent to a loved one.

All they need to do is get the name and address of their soldier to one of the VFW members and they will make sure a care package is sent to them.

Last year, the group had an assembly line going to get the boxes ready and filled with care-package items, including nonperishable food items and personal hygiene products soldiers cannot get.

“If it comes from home, they appreciate it,” he said.

The VFW tries to send out care packages at least twice a year. This round of care packages will include more than 15,000 Christmas cards, both the Green River and Rock Springs communities filled out.

Soldiers who receive a care package often share the contents of that package with other men in their unit. One care package impacts more than just one soldier. Even though the care packages will be put together on Saturday, they will probably not be mailed out until Monday, Shoemaker said.


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