Fight results in prison sentence

A man who unlawfully entered a home and used brass knuckles to hurt

another man will serve time in prison.

Joshua S. Moody, 31, of Green River appeared in the Third District

Court of Judge Richard Lavery for change of plea and sentencing hearing

to aggravated assault and battery and burglary.

Joshua was charged with a burglary felony because he without authority,

entered or remained in a building with the intent of committing a felony.

This charge was changed to unlawful entry into an occupied structure.

In exchange for his guilty plea to a felony charge of unlawful entry into

an occupied structure, the other two felonies were dismissed.

He was given a four to seven-year prison sentence with credit

given for 168 days for pre-sentence incarceration.

According to court documents, on May 9, 2016, Green River Police

officers responded to Wilkes Drive to check on a domestic disturbance

report. Upon arrival, an officer noticed Joshua in the residence; and

when they knocked on the door he went down the hallway.

Lacey Moody answered the door and stated Joshua had assaulted a

man who was in her home. Officers found Joshua hiding in one of the

bedroom closets. Joshua came out of the closet and officers noticed blood

on his left forearm and left palm. They also informed Joshua he had

an active trespass warning for the apartment complex on Wilkes Drive,

which was issued by the property manager. Joshua told the officers he

knew about the warning.

Officers then spoke to Daniel James who said he lives at an apartment

building on Wilkes Drive and was out on the deck when Joshua saw him and threatened him. Joshua then entered the residence and began swinging at James. James said he was able to get Joshua in a headlock, but that didn’t prevent Joshua from punching him repeatedly in the head. He said his head was bleeding from being hit and he then left the residence when Joshua calmed down.

Officers noticed about seven cuts to James’ head and a cut next to his eye.

James also complained of tenderness to the right side of his body. The

injuries caused to James appeared to be inflicted from brass knuckles or a

metal tool, both a metal tool and brass knuckles were located by officers.

The officers noticed both the metal tool and brass knuckles has a

substance consistent with blood on them.

The officers also located blood on a couch cushion and on the door frame. Officers spoke to Lacey, who said Joshua entered the residence and began a fight with James. She said James put Joshua into a headlock, but Joshua punched James repeatedly in the head. She then went to the bathroom with a juvenile who was also in the home at the time of the altercation so the child would not see the fight.

After the fight, Lacey found brass knuckles and a metal tool on the floor. Joshua was charged with a burglary charge because he without authority, entered or remained in a building with the intent of committing a felony.


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