GR team finishes 1st in tourney

The out-of-state tournament Green River High School Speech and Debate members attended proved successful when they came back with a first-place trophy.

This past weekend the team traveled to Juan Diego Catholic School in Salt Lake City for its first novice and varsity competition of the season.

“This was the first tournament the team competed at all together,” head coach Carina White said. “This win hopefully sets the tone for our season. We are very competitive this year and we are looking for a successful season.”

Green River took first place with 1,100 points, Skyline High School claimed second, while Copper Hill High School grabbed third.

“The team went in with a winning attitude and had been working hard in preparation. We had won this tournament when we attended two years ago and were determined to have a repeat performance,” White said.

The team has a lot to do to prepare for its season, however this tournament allowed the team members the chance to try out their pieces and get a feel for what is going to work and what needs to be changed, she said.

This year, as in years previous, the team is exhibiting strengths in numerous areas.

“We have strength in every event; it’s one of the reasons for our continued success,” White said. “Students are encouraged to compete in at least two events. We have a long season ahead of us; and we encourage students to find at least one thing they can work on every week to perfect their craft.”

Twenty one teams from Utah and Wyoming, including many big schools such as Rock Springs and Jackson, were at the SLC tournament.

Traveling out of state does have it’s benefits to the Wyoming teams.

“It is always great to get another perspective and to see how things are done in another state,” she said. “It is also very good to get feedback from a different judging pool.”

Students standing out at this particular tournament were Colt Parson, who made it to finals in humor and duet, Reina Kropf, who made it to finals in program oral interpretation and duet and Gregory Marchal, who was in finals in foreign and domestic extemporaneous speaking. Many students were in finals in multiple events.

The team will now have a little bit of a break before it hosts its own tournament on Dec. 9-10. Only novice members can compete at this tournament.

The whole team will travel to Cheyenne East for its tournament on Dec. 16-17.

Juan Diego Catholic School Tournament

Duet: Colt Parson and Sarah Kropf, second place, Raymond Garcia and Katy Robbins, third place, Leslie Patterson and Reina Kropf, fourth place, Treyson Rasmussen and Kiyona Howard, fifth place,

Informative Speaking: Dallin Hoyt, second place

Humor: Shelbi Jenkins, second place, Colt Parson, fifth place

Oratory: Shelbi McFadden, fourth place

Congress: Patrick Marchal, second place, Jesse Lauze, third place, Savrina Karimi, fourth place

Foreign Extemporaneous: Gregory Marchal, second place

SPAR debate: Victoria Allen, third place, Cassie Newcomb, semifinalist, Shelbi McFadden, semifinalist

Program Oral Interpretation: Leona Grimes, fourth place, Kassi Jo Rasmussen, fifth place, Cassie Newcomb, sixth place

Impromptu: semifinalist, Mikki Scott

Storytelling: Reina Kropf, third place, Leonna Grimes, fourth place

National Extemporaneous: Gregory Marchal, third place, Rylan Bailey, sixth place


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