GRHS Speech and Debate Results

Rock Springs Tournament

Poetry: finals: Elaine Comer, fifth place

Extemporaneous varsity finals: Michael Montoya, first place, Gregory Marchal, second place, Spencer Kurth, fourth place

Novice extemporaneous finals: Dallin Kurth, third place

Novice extemporaneous finals: Rylan Bailey, sixth place

Poetry novice: Jared Harmon, fifth place

Oratory novice finals: Shelby McFadden, fourth place, Kassi Jo Rasmussen, sixth place, Robyn Jaurgeuski, second place

Humor finals novice: Will Allen, third place

Public Forum debate: Will Allen and Dallin Kurth, semifinals, third place

Lincoln Douglas novice: Savrina Karimi, second place, Ashlynn Robbins, third place

Novice informative: Mikki Scott, second place

Congress: Patrick Marchal, third place

Novice Program Oral Interpretation: Kassi Jo Rasmussen, first place

Cheyenne South Novice

Congress finals: Savrina Karimi, first place

Extemporaneous Speaking: Rylan Bailey, third, Dallin Kurth, fourth

Poetry: Jared Harmon, second

Oratory: Shelbee McFadden, first place, Robyn Jauregui, second place, Ashlynn Robbins, third place, Kassi Jo Rasmussen, fourth place, Jenna Robertson, fifth place

Program Oral Interpretation: Kassi Jo Rasmussen, first place

Humor: Will Allen, second place

Lincoln Douglas debate: close out: Mikki Scott and Savrina Karimi tie for first place, Ashlynn Robbins, third place

Public Forum Debate: Will Allen and Dallin Kurth and Avanell Sanford and Shelbee McFadden, tied for third

Informative: Mikki Scott, third place


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