Notes from Town Square: 2nd South Project nearly done

Winter is coming, and with that, an end to the Second South Project. The contractors worked hard to get the black side of the asphalt facing up so we could open the street. Trees and sidewalk are in, and the concrete bases are in for the new street lights which are scheduled to be installed by the end of November.

We do have a few other items left to complete the street: a retaining wall along the railroad fence with a sidewalk, striping the street, and a laundry list of smaller items.

There were times during the project where it looked like no progress was being made and we had to work diligently with the contractors involved. At the beginning of the project we anticipated having a fall shutdown and finishing the last section of the road in the spring. However, with some decent weather and rearranged scheduling, the contractor managed to finish the roadway before Halloween.

We had planned for the trees to be planted next spring and they were able to be planted this past week. It has been a successful project and we are proud that we managed to rebuild Second South Street, put in a new water line, and replace parts of the storm sewer system with only having the underpass closed for 71 days. I, for one, am thankful that we won’t have to close Second South for a long time for construction.

We thank you for your patience during this road project. Yes, the traffic was a pain at times, and seemed to take forever, but the end result will make our community a better and more attractive place to live and play.

We also thank you for supporting the sixth penny tax, which funded this and other similar projects over the years.

As the snow begins to fly, and we are reminded once again that we won’t be released from winter’s icy grip for several long months, please slow down and keep your eyes open while driving on Second South as we finish up the last of the improvements.


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