Ghost lights created at senior center

Sometimes all it takes to make a cool craft is some paint and a paper towel roll.

On Thursday the Golden Hour Senior Center was hosting another craft class; and this time they were making ghost sticks.

GHSC employee Bev McKinney and volunteer Judy McClellan were busy teaching the seniors how to make ghost lights for Halloween.

McClellan was taking the paper towel rolls and showing the participants how to punch holes in them with a huge paper hole puncher. Once the holes were punched in the rolls, the class attendees had to decide whether or not to paint the rolls. Some of them painted white ghosts on them, while others painted the entire roll with one color and then painted ghosts on top of that color.

Once the rolls were painted and dried, the next step was creating a hanger out of fishing line. Some attached a glow stick to the fishing line, while others attached their paper towel roll to a base. Those who created a base for the roll would simply put the glow stick inside of it. The ones with hangers could be placed on trees, while those with a base could be put on the porch or in a window.

The ladies were excited about the project and would take their finished ghost lights in the bathroom to see if they worked. Before completing a test, the ladies would make sure no one was in the bathroom because they had to shut the light off. With the coast clear, they turned the light off and then proceeded to marvel at their new creation.

McKinney said when she started up the craft class she was worried about having to come up with a craft idea every week, but the ladies in the class have taken over that responsibility. She said a lot of them are looking up ideas online and then presenting their ideas to the group.

Participant Barbara Little said she is always impressed with how one idea presented to the group can become unique to each person when they put their own personal touch on it.

Malinda Roundy had decided to paint her roll blue and then another lady added white ghosts to it.

Each week, it seems like the group continues to grow. McKinney said all of them have such wonderful ideas. Last week, the group made spiders out of bottle caps and pipe cleaners. In the future, the group is planning on making, a turkey around Thanksgiving, and poinsettias around Christmas.

The group meets in the GHSC craft room every Thursday around 10 a.m.


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