Students attend school wellness fair

On Sept. 28 the Sweetwater County School District No. 2 and the city of Green River held its 10-annual Wellness Fair for the K-6 students at Wolves Stadium and the Monroe Fields.

The Green River High School students lead and assisted the presenters. This year, more than 50 GRHS students assisted with leadership for the Wellness Fair. The Wyoming Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports donated backpacks with health messages to each student. This annual fair focuses on giving the students a consistent message that their health, fitness and wellness is important to the entire community of Green River.

The Sweetwater School District No. 2 wellness program strives to educate, empower, and encourage its employees and students in their lifelong pursuit of wellness. The district’s commitment is to provide a workplace, classroom/school environment that promotes the progressive development of mental, physical, emotional and social health.

Through group activities, individual programs, and educational opportunities the district aims to equip its employees and students with the knowledge to live more healthful, professional and personal lives. This fair is a time for community members, parents and school district employees a chance to learn along with the students and participate in activities that not only provide a variety of fitness activities, but share the importance of daily physical activity and they receive information from various community agencies and professional resources on keeping themselves safe.

The planning committee, District No. 2 Wellness Committee and the city of Green River plan purposeful sessions that align with its standards for learning across many areas of the curriculum.

Some of the community service organizations helping with this event include Castle Rock Ambulance Service, School Resource Officers, Mario Ibarra of USTA, Green River and Rock Springs Fire Departments, Sweetwater County Sheriff Office, Wyoming Highway Patrol, Sweetwater Medic Helicopter, Western Wyoming Community College students of Dorothy Harton, Cancer Prevention from Evanston, Union Pacific Railroad, School District No. 2 Transportation Bus Safety, Flaming Gorge Crossfit, Muley Fanatics and the Green River Recreation Center. 

Boy Scout Troop 312 led us in the opening ceremonies of a Flag Ceremony and the Star Spangled Banner and Bill Hoyt was our announcer.  Each grade level participated in various physical activities including the parachute challenge, aerobics, yoga, food relays, football and soccer relays, big ball volleyball, obstacle course, tug-o-war, tennis, fitness obstacle courses, disc golf, volleyball skills, dancing, yoga and drills and soccer drills.

Sweetwater School District No. 2 nutrition services prepared fruit, healthy sack lunches and water for all of the students and volunteers. 


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