Notes from Town Square: October in Green River

Can you believe it is already October?

Where did September go?

The Green River URA/Main Street Agency finished up the Farmers’ Market season Sept. 14. We had a good season and best of all, it didn’t even rain every Wednesday like it did last year!

The vendors really enjoy our Farmers’ Market and we sure appreciate the support of the community for this important summer event. We’re already looking forward to next year.

October brings the cooler weather and some exciting events.

Last weekend, the Green River URA/Main Street Agency hosted the First Nightmare Parade downtown. We had about 100 “nightmares” participate in the parade and everyone had a lot of fun.

It was a great way to get into the Halloween spirit and practice putting on those costumes. We ended the parade with a small reception at Centennial Park where the kids could enjoy some refreshments and play on the playground. The weather was perfect.

Special thanks go to the Green River Police Department that helped keep everyone safe as they walked down Main Street.

Next up is Trunk or Treat this Saturday. This is the Green River URA/Main Street Agency’s biggest event and we are really excited for it! We are preparing for nearly 1,000 children plus their parents and other family members in our downtown for a safe trick or treating experience and another chance to wear that costume you spent so much time and/or money on.

We also have some fun kids’ games and can’t wait for the costume contest.

This year’s categories are scariest boy and girl, cutest boy and girl, best family, best baby costume (one year old and under), and even a contest for your pets. There will be lots of great merchants there to hand out candy and the traveling trophy for the best trunk is up for grabs again.

The competition is getting fierce among the businesses for that traveling trophy, so you won’t want to miss seeing what the vendors come up with for their trunks this year.

The weather should be nice, so come spend a few hours downtown and have some fun this weekend.


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