A new hair, nail salon comes to the city

We’ve got a new business downtown. Pyper Jeans Hair and Nail Salon is a cozy little shop that joined us in June at 551 E. Flaming Gorge Way.

Yvette Portillo, shop owner, was raised in Green River and says it is definitely home to her. She feels safe and secure here and thinks it’s a great place to raise a family. Portillo has six children, ranging in age from seven to 33, and they were all brought up here. She said that some of her favorite things about Green River are the wildlife in her backyard, and all the recreational activities that are available. She especially enjoys taking her kids fishing on the river.

Some people have been confused by the name of Portillo’s shop, thinking it is a clothing store. She laughed about that and explained that Pyper is her sister’s dog’s name and she said that she loves the dog as much as if she was her own child. Jean is her middle name. Portillo wanted the name of her business to be something unique, instead of something cookie-cutter or the typical play on words that many salons use.

Portillo has always wanted to own her own business and finally decided to open her shop so that she could have more flexibility in her hours. She also wanted to be able to offer fair pricing so that her services are available to more people, especially with the economy the way it is right now.

She really loves to help people look their best because she believes that if you feel good about yourself, you will do better in life in general.

Portillo’s specialty is acrylic nails and she loves to do them. She also offers manicures and pedicures; however, it was important to Portillo to do more than just nails knowing it would be more beneficial to her business and the community if she offered multiple services. She is happy Paula Antila is there providing hair services and Portillo’s sister, Edith Justeson will soon help out with all of the walk-in traffic they get.

Traffic is one reason Portillo chose the downtown for her business. She says there is quite a bit of traffic that goes by her shop every day.

She also said it is a great location and that it is easier access for the customers they get from Rock Springs.

She describes her business as very warm and inviting. She says many of her customers comment on how comfortable they are in her shop and takes pride in that.

So, the next time you are in need of a bit of relaxation, make an appointment to go get a nice manicure or pedicure from Yvette.

She would love to see you.


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