Residents enjoy fishing trip

Ten Mission at Castle Rock residents enjoyed a fishing trip to Flaming Gorge Reservoir; and some even caught some fish.

On Aug. 18, the residents, eight care partners and seven volunteers ventured out on an all-day fishing trip.

It's the second year in a row the center has offered this trip. Castle Rock administrator Bobbi Jo Drozd said due to the increased participation in the fishing trip, the group had to rent three pontoon boats from Cedar Springs Marina.

"We are trying to focus on quality events that bring life back to our residents," Drozd said.

Just getting the residents outdoors is something they look forward to. However, Drozd said once they were out on the boat, the residents started reminiscing about the last time they went fishing or the last time they had been at Flaming Gorge.

Those who had never been to the gorge before commented on how beautiful the drive and reservoir was.

A total of five fish were caught; and three of them were caught by a women who swore she would out fish any of the men.

"We had various residents catch fish," Drozd said.

As with any trip this big, much preparation was done before hand; and a lot of volunteers and employees were needed.

"We have to plan the whole day," Drozd said. "It takes more volunteers than residents."

Drozd said she wanted to thank the volunteers including, Junior Arguello, Sharon Patterson, Regina Clark, Ron Clark, John Flores, Justin Conder and Gene Drozd. The center also wanted to thank John Rauch and Ivin Herod from Cedar Springs Marina.

She said if it wouldn't be for the volunteers, the center would not be able to make programs like this possible.

Trips like these are something the residents look forward to and talk a lot about long after the trip is over. Drozd said for weeks after the trip she can often hear residents telling their families and friends about it. It really leaves an impression on them.

"It's an honor for us to go and bring that kind of joy and happiness to the residents," Drozd said. "It's just a fun day.


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