Notes from Town Square: recognition

From the City of Green River

Recognition, the expressed appreciation by one person to another for that person’s behaviors, activities or impact that may or may not be accompanied by a physical or financial reward. 

We received a call today from a local resident that just wanted to say thanks to all the city employees and give recognition for the job they do. That person, a long time resident, understands the budget pressure the city and the state are under and they know we have been expected to do more or maintain with less resources.  Yes, they had some suggestions, and yes they would like to see more done in certain areas but they also understand those are things they would like to see addressed when the resources are stronger and the economy is in a better state. 

His call came at a good time today as we have been discussing communications and the avenues we use to get out information and to share what we do or what is happening in town. While we internally strive to give thanks to employees and volunteers, we know we can do more of it.  But when we get a call from a resident that received quality or speedy service, someone got a friendly smile or greeting from one of our employees at the Recreation Center, noticed an employee take the time to pick up litter around their trash can or from the road, or just recognized the great people we have working here for the benefit of all, is something all of us like to see or hear. Those calls or letters are shared within the department or across the organization. 

It helps motivate everyone to continue to push forward, that their job does mean something to everyone that lives here. No matter the responsibilities, level, or impact of the job, they all weave together in support of those who live here. 

We have had a lot of changes in our organization here at the City of Green River, and with the elections coming up there will continue to be additional changes.  Our goal is to continue to provide the best programs, deliver the best services, provide safety where it is needed, and manage them in an efficient manner that is within the revenues we receive during our state’s struggling times. We are looking at sharing more internally and externally the jobs we do, we want to recognize the individuality of those who work for the city as well as those who so willingly give up their time as volunteers for the committees and boards that help make and define Green River. 

So Mr. Northside, thank you for the call today when the last week and a half of days all seemed like Monday over and over again, it was great to hear a “Thank You” on the other end of the phone.  It too, doesn’t go unnoticed.


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