Ready or not, here it comes

Going into my senior year of college is exciting, but it’s also quite scary. I look forward to another year of college, but I can’t help but stress about what happens when I graduate. I know I am not the first person to go through this stage in life, and I know I will get the hang of adulthood eventually just as everyone does, but I just don’t feel totally ready for the real adult experience yet. 

“What are you going to do after you graduate?” That is the question I am so often asked these days, to which I always answer with some variation of an “um,” followed by a pause and an “I’m not sure.”  It’s not that I don’t think about my future, I just haven’t quite figured out what I want yet. I  know I want to write in some form and be able to put my education and degree in Journalism to use. I guess I’m just keeping my options open because, do I really have any other choice? As a journalist who is just starting, I figure it is best to keep all doors open.

I’m not really worried about where I’ll end up, because I trust myself to make sure I end up OK, plus I have a great family that always supports me. I’m more worried about getting to wherever it is I end up. I’m not quite prepared for the job interview process. Being on the shy side, I’m always worried I won’t say the right things, or won’t say enough or I won’t stand out in an array of interviewees. 

Beyond getting jobs, I also dread leaving the comfort of college. Of course going to school is stressful, but you always have breaks to look forward to. After I get my diploma, I won’t have month-long Christmas breaks or week-long spring breaks anymore. I work hard when needed, but I’m the first to admit I love a week of pure laziness. It’s almost heartbreaking knowing these lazy days will become very limited in less than a year’s time.

Maybe I’m just not good with change, but I just don’t feel fully prepared to enter the real world quite yet. Then again, I’m not so sure anyone is ever completely ready for anything. At least I can take comfort in the fact that wherever I end up and whatever I end up doing, I will feel somewhat prepared, thanks to my two internships with the Green River Star. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity to work with the amazing people here at the Star and I’m appreciative for everything they have taught me. 

I still have things to learn and a lot of stuff to work on, but hey, I have plenty of time to improve. For now, I’ll focus on having fun with my final year of college and making sure I don’t miss out on anything. 


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