Notes from Town Square: a farmers market week in GR

Communities across the country will celebrate their local farmers markets during National Farmers Market Week, which takes place Aug. 7-13. The impact of these farmer-to-consumer transactions is greater than it appears on the surface. Now more than ever, farmers markets serve as anchors across American communities, positively influencing community health and wealth. Markets result in more viable regional economies and local farm businesses, increased access to fresh, nutritious food, and stronger social networks that help keep communities healthy.

Farmers markets are more than just an outlet for fresh produce and friendly farmers. According to the United States Department of Agriculture statistics, these grassroots venues have increased in number by over 60 percent since 2009 to more than 8,500 today. These markets preserve farmland, stimulate local economies, increase access to fresh nutritious food, improve community health, and promote sustainability. For example, growers selling locally create thirteen full time farm operator jobs per $1 million in revenue earned while those that do not sell locally only create three. Wyoming is home to 38 farmers markets.

The Green River URA and Main Street Agency is very proud to be the host of a thriving Farmers’ Market for our community. The Green River Farmers Market began in 2008, and continues to grow. Currently the Market has 22 vendors selling a wide variety of products, including bread, home-made salsas, grass-fed beef/pork, goat milk, goat cheese as well as raw milk, yogurt, butter and fresh eggs. There are also plenty of home-made crafts such as quilts, jewelry, soaps and bath products and home décor. Wyoming’s economy was bolstered by more than $2.8 million in 2013 from sales at the state’s farmers markets.

“Farmers markets play a vital role in forming healthy, local food systems,” Jen Cheek, Executive Director of the Farmers Market Coalition, said.

“By providing the opportunity for farmers to connect directly with consumers, markets serve as education centers. Vendors are teaching customers about agriculture, sharing recipes, and exposing them to new foods. Markets are making people and communities stronger and healthier,” she said.

Come check out and buy locally from your Farmers Market every Wednesday from 4-7 p.m. through Sept. 14.

It is located off of Uinta Drive next to Flaming Gorge Harley-Davidson.

By supporting your local Farmers Market, you are strengthening your local economy and building a healthier community!


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